• The Census
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  • Obesity Drug Market Could Hit $100B

Obesity Drug Market Could Hit $100B

Plus, Inner Haven Opens New Location, Lessons You Can Learn From Landmark Recovery, And The Rocky Mountain Symposium

Hey there. Tim here.

This is issue #2 of The Census, weekly newsletter to help you succeed in the behavioral healthcare industry. This week …

  • Huge opportunity in Obesity market

  • Inner Haven opens new location

  • Lesson's you can learn from Landmark Recovery

  • Tickets to The Rocky Mountain Symposium

1. Obesity Drug Market Could Hit $100B

The battle among drugmakers to develop obesity drugs is underway in what could be a $100 billion global market by 2030, according to CNBC, citing research from Barclays. With demand for Novo Nordisk's Wegovy (also branded as Ozempic) and Eli Lilly’s Mounjaro soaring, "neither company can make the drug fast enough,” a pharmaceutical equity research expert tells CNBC. New prescriptions for Wegovy and Ozempic have jumped nearly 300% and 140%, respectively, in just over a year. Meanwhile, pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Amgen are also working on weight-loss drugs.

The Bigger Picture

  • Can we expect to see a new wave of clinics that provide Ozempic while also providing weight management services? (I.E. - MAT services for weight loss?)

  • Will we start to see insurance cover eating disorder treatment for weight loss?

“Results like these may well prod government and private insurers to reimburse more patients for the high price tag of weight-loss prescriptions. By law, Medicare hasn’t covered them since 2006, though some select Medigap and Medicare Advantage plans for retirees do. As of late July, Medicaid programs in nine states covered Wegovy, which costs $1,349 monthly. Private insurers often do not cover GLP-1 drugs prescribed for weight loss only.” (Source)


Weight loss and weight management will become a much more integrated aspects of our behavioral health industry. The demand for these services will skyrocket.

2. Inner Haven Wellness Opens New Wisconsin Location

Eating disorder treatment provider Inner Haven Wellness has announced the opening of a new program in Madison, Wisconsin. The intensive outpatient program will serve adults seeking treatment for eating disorders and co-occurring conditions, with a focus on skill development to empower clients in recovery.

Inner Haven Wellness treatment draws from dialectical behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy, with individualized nutrition planning, supportive meals, mindful movement, individual and group therapy sessions, and skill building exercises.

Plus …

3. The 7 Step Process Used To Generate Qualified Leads For Drug Rehab Centers

Discover The BEST Digital Marketing Tactics For Generating Patients Into Your Facility Even If You Suck At Digital Marketing.


In this free course, you will learn how to …

  • seo your drug rehab website to generate relevant traffic from people who want and need your services.

  • build an outreach team to generate backlinks and build your facilities online authority.

  • use Google Business Listings, Yelp, and YP.com to generate high quality leads and phone calls.

  • get the most of your marketing budget by building an effective call tracking system WHICH MEANS you know EXACTLY which marketing channels are working and which ones you can stop.

  • effectively leverage many of the third party directories to maximize your exposure.

  • build a valuable alumni community to build a word of mouth referral system while also creating the best possible experience for your patients.

2. Landmark Recovery: Lessons Learned and Opportunities for Medicaid Facilities

In this video, I discuss the rise and fall of Landmark Recovery, a treatment facility that had ambitious plans for expansion. I highlight the importance of understanding the pros and cons of Medicaid facilities, emphasizing the high demand for their services.

I then explore the reasons behind Landmark Recovery's cash crunch and the tragic incidents that occurred at their facility. Despite the challenges, I believe there is still a significant opportunity for Medicaid facilities if managed properly.

5. Get Your Tickets To The Rocky Mountain Symposium

The field of addiction treatment is ever-changing, and we're dedicated to bringing you the best possible education, led by national experts. At the Rocky Mountain Symposium, you’ll find yourself among like-minded peers, learning the latest, most effective strategies for addiction treatment and behavioral health, and addressing the significant challenges we must overcome.

Dates: Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2023

Venue: Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center

That’s it for this week.

Let me know what you think of the new format.

Soon, we’ll be launching podcast episodes and even more resources to help you succeed in behavioral health.

Thanks. Talk to you next week.
